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Inventory and Order SKU Additions

Matt Carter

New fields for /inventory

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)

New fields for /order

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)
  • skuPricePerUnit - The unit price of each unit in the case.