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Order Updated At

Matt Carter

Please refer to the Date and Times documentation on exact input parameter and results formatting.


For the order endpoint, we have added two new query parameters to allow filtering results within a date range or single date. Note that the date filtering is inclusive of the provided date.

  • startUpdatedAt - starting point of the date range to filter results by (inclusive of the date)
  • endUpdatedAt - ending point of the date range to filter results by (inclusive of the date)


It will also return two new fields in the response, mirroring how createdAt is handled:

  • updatedDate - date portion of the field. Ex. 2024-04-20
  • updatedTimestamp - full timestamp. Ex. 2024-04-20T23:26:41.782Z

Example excerpt from response

"id": "82b67224-9bc3-4099-9b2d-9e415c91e912",
"updatedDate": "2023-04-20",
"updatedTimestamp": "2023-04-20T23:26:41.782Z"

View the Order API Reference for more detail.