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Matt Carter

/order field additions

We have added three net-new calculated fields to the /order endpoint:

  • lineItemPriceDifference - Line-Item-level reductions from the wholesale value to the net line-item value
  • orderTsPerLine - Order-level reductions from order trade spend per line item applied proportionally to the line-item value
  • totalTsPerLine - Total reductions per line-item (sum of line-item PriceDifference and orderTsPerLine)

We have also amended the description of the skuPricePerUnit field on the /inventory endpoint to match that of the /order endpoint:

The unit price of each unit in the case.

Matt Carter

New fields for /invoice

  • id - The Nabis order identifier
  • total - The order total
  • due - Net balance plus excise tax less any amounts collected
  • subtotalDue - Net Amount less partial collections

New fields for /order

  • subtotalCollected - $ amount collected for order (typically from partial payments)
  • lineItemNotes - Notes entered in for the line item
  • paidAt - The timestamp at when the order was marked paid in full

Matt Carter

New fields for /inventory

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)

New fields for /order

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)
  • skuPricePerUnit - The unit price of each unit in the case.

Matt Carter

We have updated the nomenclature of field names in the API:

  • /order Endpoint
    • orderGmv -> orderSubtotal
    • orderNetGmv -> orderTotal
    • lineItemGmv -> lineItemSubtotal
  • /invoice Endpoint
    • gmv -> subtotal
    • gmvCollected -> subtotalCollected

Date Input Validation

We will officially require input parameters that are a date type to be properly formatted in yyyy-mm-dd format, as previously stated in the Overview/Dates and Times documentation.

Providing an improperly formatted date will result in an error response.

OpenAPI Field Update

The PO/SO field on the /invoice endpoint was initially listed as a number in a prior version of the documentation, but this was incorrect. It has been updated to be a Nullable<string>.

Matt Carter

The initial pagination paradigm utilized by the API, while functional was lightweight but could be improved.

Old Payload

For page 10

"data": [],
"page": 10

New Payload

For page 10, limit 100. Keep in mind that page 0 is the first page so our totalNumPages will be 1 less.

"data": [],
"page": 10,
"totalCount": 4200,
"totalNumPages": 41,
"nextPage": 11,
"prevPage": 9

Read more about pagination in Overview.