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Some requests can contain thousands of records. We paginate our responses, requiring you to make multiple API calls to get the data.


This APIs pagination is 0-index based, much like looking up an array via index notation. All pages start at 0.


For a paginated endpoint, both page and limit are required query parameters.

Consider calling GET /order?page=0&limit=100

"data": [],
"page": 0,
"totalCount": 4200,
"totalNumPages": 42,
"nextPage": 1,
"prevPage": null

You will notice we return a couple of items that make it easy to determine how many requests you need to make to capture all the data.


With this field we now tell you how many records your query is going to return. And from there with your limit input, we can easily calculate the totalNumPages to vastly improve the pagination experience.


With API paging starting at page 0, totalNumPages will maintain paging correctness.

An example of correctness with 0 index-based paging would be with 42 actual pages, totalNumPages would return 41 because of page 0.

Once you have a single page, it will display totalNumPages: 1 instead of 0, because page 0 is a valid page.

nextPage and prevPage

If you called with the query parameter page=0 then prevPage would be null. If you called with page=42 then nextPage would be null.