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· One min read
Surabhi Khachar

The /retailer endpoint will now include "Previous Credit Rating" and "Previous Credit Rating Date".

If the retailer's historical data does not contain record of more than one rating, or if they do not have any historical rating data, their "previousCreditRating" value will default to "NOT_APPLICABLE" and corresponding date value would be null.

Retailer API Reference (get many and get one).

· One min read
Joe Longstreet

Two new endpoints are now available - /retailer and retailer/:id.

The /retailer endpoint returns high level details about all the retailers in the Nabis ecosystem. Optional query parameters allow filtering retailers by their participation in the marketplace.

The /retailer/:id endpoint returns more detailed information about each retailer - including their license set and a few other details.

View the Retailer API Reference (get many and get one) for more detail.

· One min read
Joe Longstreet

Two new fields are now available on the /order endpoints: lastNonPaymentDate and lastNonPaymentReason. Both fields are nullable dependent on whether a not the associated order has a lastNonPaymentReason. A last non payment reason can be any one of the following values:


Example excerpt from response

"lastNonPaymentDate": "2024-03-04T21:42:17.871Z",

Filtering orders by whether or not a last non payment reason exists is possible with the lastNonPaymentReason query parameter. To retrieve only orders which have a last non payment reason, use lastNonPaymentReason=true. To retrieve only orders which do not have a last non payment reason, use lastNonPaymentReason=false.

Filtering orders by a lastNonPaymentDate is now also possible. To retrieve only orders with a last non payment reason between January 1st 2024 and January 30th 2024, use startLastNonPaymentDate=2024-01-01&endLastNonPaymentDate=2024-01-30. This will automatically apply the lastNonPaymentReason filter, ensuring all returned orders have a last non payment.

View the Order API Reference (get many) for more detail.

· One min read
Joe Longstreet

Two new fields are now available on the /order endpoints: retailerParentOrganization and retailerParentOrganizationId. Both fields are nullable dependent on whether a not the associated retailer has a parent organization.

Example excerpt from response

"retailerParentOrganizationId": "82b67224-9bc3-4099-9b2d-9e415c91e912",
"retailerParentOrganization": "Retailer Parent Organization"

View the Order API Reference (get many and get one) for more detail.

· One min read
Matt Carter

Please refer to the Date and Times documentation on exact input parameter and results formatting.


For the order endpoint, we have added two new query parameters to allow filtering results within a date range or single date. Note that the date filtering is inclusive of the provided date.

  • startUpdatedAt - starting point of the date range to filter results by (inclusive of the date)
  • endUpdatedAt - ending point of the date range to filter results by (inclusive of the date)


It will also return two new fields in the response, mirroring how createdAt is handled:

  • updatedDate - date portion of the field. Ex. 2024-04-20
  • updatedTimestamp - full timestamp. Ex. 2024-04-20T23:26:41.782Z

Example excerpt from response

"id": "82b67224-9bc3-4099-9b2d-9e415c91e912",
"updatedDate": "2023-04-20",
"updatedTimestamp": "2023-04-20T23:26:41.782Z"

View the Order API Reference for more detail.

· One min read
Joe Longstreet

The mustPayPriorBalance field is now available on both the /order and /invoice endpoints.

This field reflects whether or not an order has a must pay prior balance restriction applied.

Example Excerpt from Response

"mustPayPriorBalance": "true"

· One min read
Matt Carter

The createdTimestamp timestamp is now available on the /order endpoint.

This timestamp is the time the order was created in the system (including timezone offset). This should allow a consumer to accurately determine the order creation date in any desired timezone.

Example Excerpt from Response

"createdDate": "2023-02-23",
"createdTimestamp": "2023-02-23T23:26:41.782Z"

· One min read
Matt Carter

/order field additions

We have added three net-new calculated fields to the /order endpoint:

  • lineItemPriceDifference - Line-Item-level reductions from the wholesale value to the net line-item value
  • orderTsPerLine - Order-level reductions from order trade spend per line item applied proportionally to the line-item value
  • totalTsPerLine - Total reductions per line-item (sum of line-item PriceDifference and orderTsPerLine)

We have also amended the description of the skuPricePerUnit field on the /inventory endpoint to match that of the /order endpoint:

The unit price of each unit in the case.

· One min read
Matt Carter

New fields for /invoice

  • id - The Nabis order identifier
  • total - The order total
  • due - Net balance plus excise tax less any amounts collected
  • subtotalDue - Net Amount less partial collections

New fields for /order

  • subtotalCollected - $ amount collected for order (typically from partial payments)
  • lineItemNotes - Notes entered in for the line item
  • paidAt - The timestamp at when the order was marked paid in full

· One min read
Matt Carter

New fields for /inventory

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)

New fields for /order

  • skuDisplayName - the SKU's Marketplace display name
  • skuName - the name of the SKU
  • skuCasePackSize - the number of eaches the SKU is sold by
  • skuTotalPrice - The total price of the SKU (skuPricePerUnit * skuCasePackSize)
  • skuPricePerUnit - The unit price of each unit in the case.